Thursday, December 08, 2005

Man's Best Friend

this is a really interesting article that Google News featured today about the interesting genetic makeup of dogs and their similarities to humans....

yeah dogs rule...


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cold, Cold, Cold….

man i feel like crap this morning. my nose is runny, i'm feeling too warm in the office and i am kinda sleepy...

need coffee now...

the boy seems to feel the same way...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Elme Fudd goes Hunting...

well... that was a fun weekend… sorta. I went out hunting and didn’t get anything. apparently the place that we usually hunt got around 3 times the usually traffic this season… and the deer were wise.

after a couple of hours i finally saw a group of 4 doe, but they were running in the wrong direction and i couldn’t get a clean shot… more for next year i guess…

gonna miss my buddy John. he’s moving to Reno and I probably won’t get to see him till next year. he's kinda bummed too… but you do what you have to you know? my friend Kelly moved out west a while ago too… and she seems to be doing fine now so really, John will be fine. it just kinda sucks that all my friends are pretty far away…

so all in all, whilst i did not get to kill bambi (or his mother for that matter!) i got to hang out with my buddy and his family on his last day in PA for a while… so pretty good weekend …

be wery, wery quiet..., i'm hunting deer.
ha ha ha ha ha.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Things I Need for Christmas... Pt.1

as part of the upcoming holiday season i'm gonna post a virtual wish list of things i really, really want… um , i mean, things that really, really need this Christmas.

the items on this list MUST have been featured in some kind of movie/tv series/cartoon etc, and can be fictional or real....

so if you have any ideas of things that you think should be on my list please email me and i’ll put it up here.

so to kick it off… i really, really need an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator, like Marvin the Martian had.

… you know, just to have incase of an emergency…
