Thursday, March 30, 2006


i am not sure how this came into my hands so if you know how it belongs to and they would like recognition or want me to remove it, just drop me a note.

if it is real then it is probably the most amazing piece of side walk art i have ever seen.

if it is photoshopped…. well, it is still pretty amazing.

Holy Amazing Sidewalk Art Batman!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Best. Episode. Ever.

okay, i have to say that i was completely in awe of last nights south park episode. Parker and Stone were, in my opinion, able to very articulately and in perfect synchronicity with their south park style, blast scientology and Isacc Hayes whilst still giving ‘chef’ a proper and deserving send off.

all that said, i  am still going to join the legions of south park fans and boycott Mission Impossible 3

you can do so too, if you want by clicking the link above.

or this link.

or this one.

South Park Responds: Chef’s Goose Is Cooked” is an article by the Washington Post on last night’s episode and the boycott.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Trapped in the Closet

so apparently comedy central pulled the south park episode “Trapped in the Closet” because tom – imfuckingnuts - cruise put pressure (by threatening to not promote the release of MI:3) on paramount(owned by Viacom who also owns comedy central).

scientologists are crazy.

here is the episode if you haven’t already seen it

here are the wiki’s on scientology and the, now infamous, south park episode

finally, here is the response from the creators of south park, featured on news.


happy birthday to me.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Our Lady of USB

so i just found out that the canadian rock group ‘our lady peace’ collaborated with Ray Kurzweil on their album ‘spiritual machines’ (which as you may know is the name of Kurzweil’s book that i am currently reading)

anyway… this is what i saw when i looked at the USB symbol on my phone adapeter this morning and i tried to use CS2 to recapture it so ya’ll can see it too…

Our Lady of USB

is this what spiritual machines see?

anyway go here to see it in full size.

mel out~

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Singularity is Near

okay so this past few days i have been noticing more and more info on microsoft’s Origami, the so called “ultra-mobile pc” designed to aide you anywhere and everywhere…

all the time… always…


so in the course of reading more about what the plans are for this device i stumbled on a left-handed reference to “The Singularity”… an term i had stumbled upon some years ago whilst still blissfully in my interment in academia that predicts an upcoming ‘event horizon” or major paradigm shift in the course of human evolution so drastic that no currently available model of the future will be able to predict what happens next…

intrigued, i sought out more info.

this in turn led me to one of the greatest minds of our time, Raymond Kurzweil. this man’s list of accolades and achievements are too long to list here but suffice to say he is more than a just a genius(he has eleven doctorates for god’s sake! eleven! now granted some of them are honorary, but still! eleven!!). his ideas and theories in regards to the exponential growth of technology as it relates to human evolution is unfathomably interesting/exciting whilst being simultaneously (and equally) scary…. i have not been more excited ever, to read anything as i am to read this man’s books.

anyways i just got up to chapter 3 in his 3rd book “The Age of Spiritual Machines” literally can put it down… he is a gifted author, not only capable of expressing his ideas and thoughts in a meaningful and easily understandable manner but also does so by truly engaging the reader with playful, albeit sometimes left-handed, use of humor and dry wit.

i am urging everyone who has any interest in computers or technology on any level to go out and grab it. definitely a more than a worth-while endeavor. i got the book from Borders for about sixteen bucks. hey if you can’t spare that, i am sure your local library will carry a copy of works form such a prolific and influential author.

i'll comment more on his writings as I finish more chapters so please go read it…

mel out-

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Furry French Lobster

no... it is not what you are thinking... perverts.

a french journal is reporting that they have discovered a new species of crustacean that resembles a ‘furry lobster’.

isn't mutation and evolution cool?!

damn i love evolution...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Apple - Trailers - X-MEN: THE LAST STAND - Trailer - Large

sweet! it seems that this is going to be the kick-off for the summer movie season.. psyched am i...X-MEN: THE LAST STAND - Trailer - Large

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Joy of Loss

alright i'll just come out and confess… this past Christmas we visited Bridget’s sister at their place. it was loads of fun, hanging with family, good booze, great food; the works.

Problems started when we got back to her parents house after the holidays and i weighed myself.



so we decided that we would both make new year’s resolutions to take off the extra… um… “poundage”. we joined the Y, started eating better and getting some good, much needed exercise.

truth be told, as slow-going as it has been, we are both doing great and are progressing to our goals nicely. and since any good ‘get-healthy’ program involves keeping records of milestones, achievements and the such… i will be utilizing this blog as a vehicle the such

after nearly 8-10 years of not exercising and indulging in every possible self-destructive, pleasure-inducing activity know to man, i am unbelievably happy to state that this morning at the gym i reached a milestone :

3 miles on the x-trainer in 30 minutes. (insert theme from ‘rocky’ here)

it may not sound like much to you olympians but it is a helluver big one to me. and yes, i know the road ahead is just gonna get harder, but i have come too far to fail now…

so get out there and get healthy people. if my fat ass can get going, anyone can!

out ya’all
