Friday, July 29, 2005

i HATE moving....

family, friends, neighbors, people i really don't know,:

i have a lot to be thankful for... most recently for the fact that i am now gainfully employed and that we now have a nice place to stay(which by the way is still under construction, but i digress... more on this soon).

all that being said i still have to proclaim that i despise moving... i loathe moving... i absolutely and thoroughly hate it. i would sooner put bamboo skewers under my fingernails that have to pack up all my stuff, move it to the new place, unpack it then repeat the whole process again....

there... now i feel better...

i really am thankful though... just thought i'd re-mention that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Try moving across the country. I feel your pain! Good luck with it all!