Monday, August 22, 2005

Box Hoax, I mean, promotion...

well... it has been some time since i updated this so here goes... it is a little under 3 weeks to the wedding... getting quite excited now.

the house is still being worked on but hopefully it won't be too much longer... not much got done over the weekend, so lets see how the week goes.

we picked up the simpsons season 6 dvd set this weekend. i really don't like the new box design... apparently so did a number of other fans... the set came with a flyer for a promotion to get a free 'old style' box. the '1-800' you can dail gets you to a hilarious phone message read by Dan Castanella (as Homer of course!) and a invite to check out this site. for those of you who live in the us the number is 1-800-223-2369. check it out... very, very funny...

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