Thursday, October 20, 2005

But Seriously,

so i guess that someone in Oregon won the lottery. how nice for him/her.

okay… so most of you are undoubtedly itching to remind me that i always proclaim that ‘things always happen for a reason’ and that me not winning also occurred for a reason.

i knew that that would come back and bite me in the ass.

well.. you are right… i do believe that things happen (or in this case, “dosen’t” happen) for a reason and that there is a plan and a path for us all. there  i said it.

still sucks that i didn’t win though.

serves me right i  guess… teach me to keep my faustian tendencies in check next time round…

out ya’all


Dear Satan...

you sneaky, lying son-of-a-bitch…

yours ‘soulfully’


Dear God…

alright fine… don’t let me win the lottery… see if i care.

yours ‘lovingly’


p.s. that was sarcasm in case you were wondering…

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Money, Money, Money...

okay, one more time…

the jackpot for the poweball is now over $340,000,000.00. just for clarification, this is the biggest jackpot in history. ever. biggest.

even after state and federal taxes, that is still over $150,000,000.00 - all for the winner…

while i have no delusions of actually winning, i must illustrate that it would be nice to win. i'd take all you guys on a vacation to somewhere nice, a cruse maybe…

check that, i do have delusions of winning…


Monday, October 17, 2005

Gromits, Steelers and Bisque

now that is what i call a weekend. perfect fall weather, minimal stress (yes i said minimal, stupid freaking steelers! damn you  maddox!), good food. ah… perfect.

the wife and i (“the wife” man that’s weird. not bad weird… just different. it still amazes me that i am now a married man. hmmm… grown up.) were able to catch the movie ‘Wallace and Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit’ on saturday.

freaking-awesome-movie. especially if you are a ‘Wallace and Gromit’ fan. If you are not, it is still damn fun.

yesterday night we reflected on the different traditions of our two families while making dinner. as you probably can guess, both of us grew up with really different, though strangely familiar traditions. the task before us now is to amalgamate the two for our future family. cool stuff actually. one of the ones that we decided was seasonal meals. the first being to always have butternut squash soup (bisque actually) in the fall. (again, i must reiterate that taking about having a family and doing family stuff is still a little weird to me… good weird though.)

you need to take weekends like these every now and then. kick back, relax, spend some quality time with loved ones and just do nothing of any real significance. it does the soul good.

today Bridget and i have an exciting chore ( and i do use the term lightly) to talk care of. it will be the culmination of the exciting and extremely highly stressful last few weeks. once the results are processed, i will post them here.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

On the Flip Side

okay, i didn’t win the damn poweball. but at least no one else did either… so now the jackpot is at $290,000,000.00. let me restate that for all the numerically challenged: two hundred and ninety million. come on baby! papa needs a new pair of …everything.

in other news… i am in a really weird mood today. ‘oru-maderi’ irritated. (that’s tamil people – get with the program) everybody seems to want something… or they are just completely oblivious of how their actions adversely effect the people around them.

my buddy’s grandmother passed away yesterday.

she just got out of the hospital and it was looking like her condition was improving. from all accounts she left peacefully, surrounded by family.

mortality is a bitch.

no, check that. mortality is an asshole and we are its bitch.

on the flipside, life rocks. every sweet, sour, sticky and salty moment of it. i hope i don’t ever get so caught up in the crap that i forget that.

still… sometimes it is easier to say that practice it.

thank God i have Bridget.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Would It Spoil Some Vast Eternal Plan...

if you recognize the line above… then you are too old.

just kidding. it is from the old Roger Whitaker song “ if i were a rich man ” and i though it suitable, given the way i was feeling this morning...

the Powerball jackpot is currently at $240,000,000.00. that’s right friends: two hundred and forty million dollars.

the whole line from the song is “would it spoil some vast eternal plan, if i were a wealthy man?!”

well, would it?

damn dirty apes…

Monday, October 10, 2005

Moving on…

alright, a lot has happened since the last post so i am gonna have to break up the updates over the next few days… tune in people.

firstly, my buddy John came in over the weekend. he is moving to California soon and this is probably one of the last times i am going to get to see him (at least for the next few years). man that was a great weekend! we set out the fine crystal, broke open a bottle of ’00 Bordeaux (Haut-Medoc of course!), and had a wonderful dinner, finished with some really good single-malt scotch.

and then we stayed up till 2:30 am and watched 8 episodes of Scrubs. dude.

i am really going to miss John.

got to get back to work now… will post again tonight.