Thursday, October 13, 2005

On the Flip Side

okay, i didn’t win the damn poweball. but at least no one else did either… so now the jackpot is at $290,000,000.00. let me restate that for all the numerically challenged: two hundred and ninety million. come on baby! papa needs a new pair of …everything.

in other news… i am in a really weird mood today. ‘oru-maderi’ irritated. (that’s tamil people – get with the program) everybody seems to want something… or they are just completely oblivious of how their actions adversely effect the people around them.

my buddy’s grandmother passed away yesterday.

she just got out of the hospital and it was looking like her condition was improving. from all accounts she left peacefully, surrounded by family.

mortality is a bitch.

no, check that. mortality is an asshole and we are its bitch.

on the flipside, life rocks. every sweet, sour, sticky and salty moment of it. i hope i don’t ever get so caught up in the crap that i forget that.

still… sometimes it is easier to say that practice it.

thank God i have Bridget.

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