Friday, June 08, 2007

The Imperfect Nature of God

i recieved this email from a buddy and want to share it to gauge the responses...

    I think the concept of a Benevolent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent Deity, is incompatible with free will. This leaves us with less than perfect God.

    If we make the assumption that God exists, then the real question is:

    What is the nature of God?

    The "design" of the world we see around us is imperfect.
    The imperfect nature of the universe suggests that God cannot be simultaneously be Benevolent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
    God is, in a word, imperfect.
    If God can be surprised, then he's not Omniscient.

    What are the possible answers to the question:
    "Why does God allow good things to happen to bad people?"
    If God couldn't stop it, then he's not Omnipotent.
    If God wouldn't stop it, he may be malevolent or lazy (the latter is still sin, right?).
    If God was busy doing something else and couldn't help, he's not Omnipresent.
    If he didn't see it coming, he's not Omniscient.

    Let's suppose God could stop "Bad things" and chose not to for the greater good.
    Doesn't this imply that God is operating within some kind constraints that are beyond his control?

    At this point in the discussion somebody usually chimes in with:

    "Expecting people to understand God is like a expecting a worm to understand string theory."

    The people who make this argument never explain how they are exempt from their own argument.


1 comment:

The Grynch said...

Mel, I haven't said it nearly enough...I'm so very happy that you and your lovely wife (and soon to be baby) are apart of my and my families life! It really hit me today when both of my kids said "see you later Mel" when we were done with lunch! I think the best thing to do is truly not worry about if there is a "God"..."god" or not, but make every, and I mean every single second count while you can. Because the only thing in life that is guaranteed is death!