Thursday, September 06, 2007

Weekends and Webcomics

so apparently babies cost money. even before they are born. lots of money, apparently.

Bridget just had her baby showers and we were really touched by all the nice gifts we got from all our friends and family. yesterday we went out to pick up the rest of the essentials we needed to get before baby gets here, which should be anytime between 2 and 7 weeks from today... baby stuff is expensive, but i really think that the stuff we got is worth it... i guess all we gotta do right now is sit and wait for him to get here....(Tom Petty’s ‘The Waiting’ plays in the background)

in other news, labor day weekend was just awesome. we got to spend time with Bridget’s parents and my buddy John came up so we got to hang out with him too. we miss John. he needs to move closer to PA... Monday we got to fire off a couple rounds from my other buddy’s Bushmaster C AR-15 and the .45 XD so that was equally great... on a side note... i need to get to the range more often.... my groups are just pathetic...

those of you who know me have probably heard me mention the webcomic Penny Arcade in some form or another. lately i have noticed that i am, more and more, getting my 'funnies' fix from the internet as opposes to other media. the logical reason for this is that i am on the intenet more often than i am aywhere else because of the nature of my job. now some of you may say that i am not a alltogether logical man nor do i play on on tv so to i say that that is why i believe that there may be another reason alos; you see, just like bloggers, i think that webcomic artists have more creative freedom to express their ideas without being constained by the standards of other media like print or tv. (Wired magazine did a great article on the Penny Arcade guys which echoes a similar notion to this.). as a result i have stumbled upon more than a few really funny stips like this one by Scott Meyer. with the staggering amount of really good material out there, i think that i may be significanly limited if i choose to stick to one type of media exclusively... what do you think?

out for now...


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