he/ we are starting to settle in to our own little routine and getting more into the groove of it.
that's about all for now...
here he is just being himself...
just some various thoughts/rants/whines from yours truly...
Posted by Mel Nair at 9:11 AM 0 comments
it has been a while since i have posted here...i actually need to post about not knowing how to get started.
some really great stuff though. our son was born on the 26th of september and he is doing great. there were some issues after we got back from the hospital but all's good now... i am going to upload some pictures to flickr and then i post them here.
out for now
Posted by Mel Nair at 2:26 PM 0 comments
this past week Bridget and i celebrated our 2nd anniversary as a married couple. it was very nice, in that we had a great time at dinner whilst reminiscing and marveling at how our lives have progressed since we started dating almost 8 years ago. i love her. truly.
it is strange, in retrospect i should have done so many things different... so many tangents where i should have stayed on the straight and narrow...
i don’t know, they say that hindsight is 20/20 or maybe my saying this is a defense mechanism to help me accept ‘my reality’ or maybe it is true, i don’t know nor do i care really, but I can’t help feeling that any one of those, supposed missteps, being redone, would inexorably alter where i have ended up... and i just can’t bear to think that i might be somewhere other than here.... i’ve got it pretty sweet here... wonderful, loving wife, a child on the way, pretty great family and friends, etc, etc, ad infinitum.
now i’m really not trying to get all Robert Frost or anything really, conversely i guess i’m just marveling at how times have changed and how i too, have changed accordingly. and relishing every minute of it, every pungent, sweaty, teary eyed, blood caked moment of it. and it in light of my impending fatherhood, hard as i try, i can’t seem to find any reason now too.
how ‘bout you?
Posted by Mel Nair at 5:05 PM 2 comments
i had read this article this morning but this video that engadget put up is really exciting:
could this be the end of high gas prices?
Posted by Mel Nair at 2:53 PM 0 comments
so apparently babies cost money. even before they are born. lots of money, apparently.
Bridget just had her baby showers and we were really touched by all the nice gifts we got from all our friends and family. yesterday we went out to pick up the rest of the essentials we needed to get before baby gets here, which should be anytime between 2 and 7 weeks from today... baby stuff is expensive, but i really think that the stuff we got is worth it... i guess all we gotta do right now is sit and wait for him to get here....(Tom Petty’s ‘The Waiting’ plays in the background)
in other news, labor day weekend was just awesome. we got to spend time with Bridget’s parents and my buddy John came up so we got to hang out with him too. we miss John. he needs to move closer to PA... Monday we got to fire off a couple rounds from my other buddy’s Bushmaster C AR-15 and the .45 XD so that was equally great... on a side note... i need to get to the range more often.... my groups are just pathetic...
those of you who know me have probably heard me mention the webcomic Penny Arcade in some form or another. lately i have noticed that i am, more and more, getting my 'funnies' fix from the internet as opposes to other media. the logical reason for this is that i am on the intenet more often than i am aywhere else because of the nature of my job. now some of you may say that i am not a alltogether logical man nor do i play on on tv so to i say that that is why i believe that there may be another reason alos; you see, just like bloggers, i think that webcomic artists have more creative freedom to express their ideas without being constained by the standards of other media like print or tv. (Wired magazine did a great article on the Penny Arcade guys which echoes a similar notion to this.). as a result i have stumbled upon more than a few really funny stips like this one by Scott Meyer. with the staggering amount of really good material out there, i think that i may be significanly limited if i choose to stick to one type of media exclusively... what do you think?
out for now...
Posted by Mel Nair at 9:32 AM 0 comments
yesterday was the beginning of the 35th week of the pregnancy. it seems so close now. about 5 weeks to go.
a lot has happened since the last post, there has been great loss and great joy but mostly just a lot of the usual nonsense of life... we thoroughly enjoyed the Simpsons movie and i was actually able to catch “The Bourne Ultimatum” and “F4 : Rise of the Silver Surfer”... i really liked the Bourne movie, but then again i have been a fan of the series so that really wasn’t a shocker... F4 was alright... i definitely liked it better than the first Fantastic Four movie but that is really not saying much.
one of my bosses passed away last week. everyone who knew him kinda expected this because he was sick for a while now but you can never really prepare yourself for this kinda thing. He was a good man and a good boss. He was also really, just a very nice guy. He was the one who i interviewed with for this job and He was my direct supervisor.
He will be missed. Greatly.
Bridget and i have been trying to keep up with the preparations for the arrival of the baby ... getting the birthing plan done, prepping the room, etc. etc. etc. all here doctors’ visits have been going fine and in fact, he has estimated that the kid weights around 5.5 to 6.0 pounds already(!). Awesome. Bridget is feeling the babies kicks and movements much more pronounced lately and the enormity of it all is leaving her more than a just little tired and expectedly uncomfortable. still, all is going well.
Sunday is Bridget’s shower so her parents are coming up and then my buddy John is coming up this Monday so this should be another good weekend.
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:34 AM 0 comments
this was live this morning on the Bob and Tom Show... i added the pics...
Posted by Mel Nair at 3:26 PM 0 comments
bridget started her 30th week of pregnancy this last wednesday. it suddenly seems like it is so close. and then it seems like it is still so far away... again very exciting time but i still can't really describe the plethora of emotions that encapsulate this chapter of our life... i want to though... but i have to think i have to mull it over a little more first.
in other news
i got done with it last week... and i have to say (NO SPOILERS), while i have not read a ton of books in my lifetime, of those that i have read, this one ended very, very agreeably. that is rare for me. don't get me wrong, i have read some great endings, not the endings i may have been expecting or even one that i wanted to see, but all great non the less. that's why i really want to talk about my thoughts on the ending with someone, but seeing as i am the only one done with it, i seem to be being shun by anyone even remotely interested in it. so on a side note... if you are done with it and seem to suffering the same affliction i am , then drop me a line.
anyone else do anything interesting this last week?
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:22 AM 0 comments
it is always nice to have a good weekend. you know what i am talking about... you get to hang with people that you care about, have good food and just basically relax. and if you get to bogart a 7 week old baby, well... that's just gravy.
we had one of those this past weekend. we got down to pittsburgh to celebrate Bridget's grandparents 69th wedding anniversary. how awesome is that? sixty-nine years... we'll be 2 years this september.... so to me, that is just... well... awesome.
additionally we got to meet the newest addition to the family, Bridget's new niece, Melina Jo. that was just a blast, she is such an angel so we kept stealing her from whomever was holding her for more than a couple a minutes.
Zeus was, intrigued with the baby. i think he was more concerned with us not paying him as much attention as we usually do... this might be important to keep in mind when our baby arrives...
we were still playing around with the camera when we got home, taking shots of Zeus mostly, at least until he got fed up of posing. the attached pic describes my dogs personally far better than anything that i could ever say.
so how was yours?
Posted by Mel Nair at 11:29 AM 1 comments
so i told Mohan that i'd post a review of the Transformers movie after i had some time to think about it… so here goes:
this tends to happen a lot with all movies that are based on franchises or topics that are close to my heart, in this case the transformers were such a big part of my childhood that it is hard for me to describe the franchise without getting a little nostalgic. as such the movie is inevitably held to an exceedingly high (and unfair) standard. if i were to reviewed it in this light then its rating would undoubtedly come out skewed to the lower end of the spectrum. however, i cannot simply ignore the main context of the movie for doing so would simply render the review (as it would, the movie) irrelevant. so here is what we are gonna do, we are gonna consider and rate the contextual element of the movie (i.e the transformers mythos) and the overall quality of movie experience (plot, direction, flow etc.) separately. we can then adjust the two scores to get the overall movie rating. lets get started.
The Michael Bay Experience: i liked ‘the rock’. it was a fast paced, action filled shoot-em-up that will definitely be remembered as one of Bay’s finest. hell, i even liked ‘armageddon’ so it would stand to reason that i would like it when mr. bay direct a movie about cool vehicles that change into robots and blowing shit up simply because he does that kinda job quite well. this theory is proved further in ‘transformers’. the action sequences and animation (rendered so sublimely by the good people at ILM) left me almost breathtaken. almost. there were a few sequences where the camera was panning around the action, while the action was taking place thus leaving me sorta lost for the details. the non animated actors all played their parts to an acceptable level though sometimes i felt like the robots emoted better. as in the star-wars prequels, there was some definite, low-brow or trailer trash humor that i could have done without but i can’t fault bay for pandering to the lowest common denominator. as noted above the animations were in a word: spectacular. the soundtrack on the whole was very complementary of the onscreen actions and not at all over powering. the overall plot was engaging so no complaints there. if this was a movie about a completely different topic and i was reviewing it, i would have no qualms about giving it a strong ‘-A’. so is the case here.
Transform and Roll Out: getting Peter Cullen to voice Optimus Prime was definitely a stride in the right direction. there could have been no one better to embody the archetype of the leader of the Autobots then Mr. Cullen. hearing the immortal “One shall Stand, One shall Fall” line alone was worth the price of admission. similarly, utilizing the talented Hugo Weaving as the voice of Megatron (due to reportedly being decided as unsuitable for the part by bay, Frank Welker, the original Megatron only lent his voice to the game version of the Decepticon leader.) was also inspired. on that note, use of the infamous and original ‘transformation sound’ whenever the robots transformed actually gave me goose bumps (yes, i realize i am a the quintessential transformers dork/nerd/geek/etc. well buddy, i wear these taunts as badges of honor. Honor dammit!). the actual transformation sequences were also (again, as noted above) well thought out and impeccably executed. these are the aspects that stayed true to the ethos of the original series and is what i really loved about this movie. there were also a couple other aspects that i didn’t take so kindly too, namely and in order of ascending importance: character design; don’t get me wrong, as cool as it was to see a giant freaking Optimus, i still winced at the sight of flames on him. i can see the need to have his vehicle form modernized, but flames?! seriously?! what is this?! monster garage or orange county choppers?! as for Megatron, where the hell his hand cannon? again, i can see the logic in changing his form to a spaceship instead of a gun but why the hell do you have to mess with perfection and nix the hand cannon? seriously, micheal, making him all spiky and shit was nice, the vampire fangs was a little much but if you really wanted a menacing baddie, how much more badass is a freaking cannon, semi-permanently mounted to his hand? not to be nitpicking but the hand cannon is prototypical Megatron!
but the thing that really bugged me was that the dialogue between the robots was lacking; one of the aspects of the transformers that was really great was that both leaders, Optimus and Megatron, truly believed in their respective causes and as such both constantly conveyed this passion to their troops, in albeit dissimilar methods. so much of what made the cartoon great was tightly entwined in the dialogue between and amongst the transformers. I mean what would Starscream, for instance, be without his constant backtalk and conniving inner monologues on overthrowing Megatron? also, Megatron wasn’t just a powerful brute destroying everything in is path, he was a brilliant, military strategist, as conveyed by his elaborations of his evil plans. i missed that. still, regardless of who directed it, the transformers in this flick stayed almost entirely true to the spirit of the cartoon garnering a resounding ‘A’ rating.
thus, all in all i must confess that bay and his team, much to my suprise, significantly exceeded my expectations and made a thoroughly enjoyable ‘transformers’ movie, one that appeals to both the hardcore transfan than the casual moviegoer alike. an almost perfect combination of hollywood blockbuster and 80’s nostalgia joyride that is without a doubt the best movie i have seen this year.
this however looks to challenge that title…
Posted by Mel Nair at 2:45 PM 4 comments
if you recognize the title of this post then you are probably gonna be watching the Transformers movie that is now open. i am going to watch the movie tonight... with what was sufficiently low expectations. i mean Bay did a great job with the Rock and all but this is my childhood he was remaking! and flames on Optimus?! seriously Micheal?!
anyway, after getting a frantically excited phone call from my buddy Al, and reading a 10 out of 10 rating from my buddy Mo, i have to admit that i am more than a little excited.
in other news:
so apparently comedy central has signed a deal with Fox to get a bunch of brand spankin new episodes of futurama airing in 2008. i really got into futurama late into its second season but have since become a devoted follower... the characters and plot lines, apart from being utterly hysterical, became intensely rich towards the end of the series... it will be interesting to check out whether the new eps either follow that pattern or '''start from scratch'' in terms of character and plot depth...
tomorrow is also independence day here... so if you will be handling any fireworks, please be safe. (dammit! i am starting to sound like a grownup!)
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:45 AM 0 comments
okay, okay… i know… the mood here as been kind of a downer and i have been a little preachy lately (a little?! Lately?!). in my defense, the blog was originally set up to be my sounding board/soapbox anyway… i didn’t actually believe anyone would actually read the stuff (i was gonna say ‘mental excrement’ here instead of 'stuff' but I thought that was too crass don’t ya think?) i posted here. as such i can’t bring myself to actually apologies for the tonality here as of late. this is, after all the crème de la crème of my twisted reality made flesh.
anyway i kinda let it get away from me for a while… but it’s all good now. it’s nice to put your thoughts down on paper (paper? Seriously? How old are you grandpa?) sometimes. it looks, feels different outside of your head .
we had a great weekend: relaxing, fun, everything really. friday we got to have dinner with friends on an old paddle boat on the lake. the food was good, view was great, the company perfect. saturday and sunday we spent doing not much of anything. monday was nice too, we both got out of work early and got to finish putting the baby’s room together.
i don’t … well, i can’t quite yet comprehend how to verbalize the emotional bungee jump that is my experience of this pregnancy yet so i’ll stave that off for another day. till then enjoy the pics from the weekend. (the first two are from the boat, the las is the skyline at the back of my house at dusk)
Posted by Mel Nair at 10:35 AM 0 comments
so here is the thing: i watched tim burton’s the corpse bride again yesterday. if you haven’t watched it then skip this post and go do something productive because i am going to ruin the ending for you. it is a pretty good movie and i highly recommend it if you have some time to kill.
at the end of the movie, helena bonham carter’s character has a massive change of heart as she realizes that that ‘right thing to do’ is give up her pre-death ambitions of marriage and let johnny depp’s character marry someone else.
The Right Thing to Do.
kinda crappy isn’t it? in order to do what’s right, she forgoes her own happiness for someone else’s. this led me to think about all the other self-sacrificing acts that are deemed as ‘the right course of action’. a cursory evaluation of my own moral compass (or lack thereof) led me to an interesting discovery.
in fact, i predict that if you examining your own moral compass or your understanding of the nature of ‘Doing the Right Thing' you’ll discover a pattern similar to that of mine:
Posted by Mel Nair at 11:31 AM 1 comments
ok so the updates and maintenance i wanted to do on the site is causing me more trouble than it is worth...
if i get some time to burn and i actually want to deal with mx exchange tables, i'll take a look. otherwise this site seems to work just fine.
Posted by Mel Nair at 10:24 AM 0 comments
i may be taking the site down for a bit... nothing definite yet but maybe.
Posted by Mel Nair at 2:36 PM 0 comments
ok maybe it is me, but either the guy who puts the signage together for this cinema is totally awesome or he's "special".
still, maybe i'll take the hint and watch pirates this weekend instead of shrek.
Posted by Mel Nair at 5:17 PM 0 comments
hahaha got this from Mo's blog...
thought for sure i'd be neo....
You scored as James Bond, Agent 007, James Bond is MI6's best agent, a suave, sophisticated super spy with charm, cunning, and a license's to kill. He doesn't care about rules or regulations and somewhat amoral. He does care about saving humanity though, as well as the beautiful women who fill his world. Bond has expensive tastes, a wide knowledge of many subjects, and his usually armed with a clever gadget and an appropriate one-liner.
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 created with QuizFarm.com |
Posted by Mel Nair at 10:38 AM 3 comments
this evening i talked (chatted with actually, over gmail) with two old friends. they are not old per se, just that i have been friends with them for a while.
Alvin and i have actually known each other since kindergarten.
nostalgia is weird.
it was nice to catch up with them so i decided to email another old friend i had not spoken to in a while... haven't heard back from them yet... but nice to thinks about all the crazy stuff we used to do, looking back i really does seem like it was not so long ago.
then i went on line and grabbed some music from (not really) that long ago and gave it a listen... here is the list:
Posted by Mel Nair at 12:54 AM 2 comments
Ok… so I sounded kinda defeatist in pt.1 … these are the thoughts that have been plaguing me but they are not necessarily that which I believe or how my mindset is in terms of my spirituality.
so I’ll start of on a different foot… but before I can, I need to point some things out:
Ok …
I believe that there is a path for us all. I believe that there is a purpose for my existence, that there is a Reason that I am alive on this planet in this dimension at this point in the Space-Time Continuum.
The trick for me then becomes… how do I discover my path… how do I come to know my purpose. And if there is a reason for everything, then there must also be some corresponding purpose. This is tough though because it implies that there is a reason and purpose for even the really, really fucked-up, twisted bad stuff.
(at this point in the mental exercise my train of thought usually gets into a pretty horrific Amtrak-esk accident causing it to derail and consequently killing off several passengers. The liberal media is all over it and I am forced to explain myself back to my Prozac like placidity like so:)
When I was younger my family use to do those really big jigsaw puzzles. I don’t know, fifty thousand pieces or some other equally obscene number like that. Anyway, the puzzle would be on the big table and people would sit down to work on it intermittently. I remember trying a few times and, with piece in hand, would often wonder if someone in the factory had ‘accidently’ put a couple pieces from another puzzle in our set. I mean really, the color of the pieces I was working on were all wrong… and even the shapes seemed to be kinda different. However, it was only after the puzzles were completed that I was able to see how the misfit pieces played their part in the whole.
I don’t know, but maybe that’s how the bad stuff fits in. I may never like it, hell, I may never even like the final picture but that does not discount the fact that those pieces (the crap in life) had a part to play in the puzzle.
I realize that this is a cop-out, lazy answer but that’s all I have for right now. The next part will detail my justifications for my beliefs.
[please notice how I have neatly stepped over the whole issue of the existence of God. See…? Expert. On Everything. ]
Posted by Mel Nair at 9:42 AM 0 comments
i recieved this email from a buddy and want to share it to gauge the responses...
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:57 AM 1 comments
i know this is a diversion... but i wanted to get to it in case i forget (which happens alot apparenly...) the new background was made by yours truly using cs2 and some funky brushes i found online. you can grab it off my flickr page here.
if you are versed in photoshop and want these brushes... search for some here
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:41 AM 0 comments
a couple people emailed me in response to the previous post and raise some interesting points that has made my next post somewhat incomplete. i need to think about the issues that were raised whilst in a more contemplative/reflective mood. the 21 year old liter bottle of Chivas Regal ‘Royal Salute’ that my friend Bob so graciously bestowed on me may help with this…
till then...
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:23 AM 0 comments
It is really the combination of predestination and free will.
Here is how it goes:
Posted by Mel Nair at 3:49 PM 0 comments
this last week my family back home got into some pretty heavy discussions on the nature of religion, spirituality and … well… god.
a lot was said in terms of how our views on religion/spirituality have evolved over the years as we have all grown. additionally, and in light of the tragedies problems in the world, how anyone could hold onto a view of an all powerful and loving deity.
these next 3 posts will detail some of the thoughts that i shared, a.k.a. my .02 cents.
these are some thoughts that i have been struggling with for some time now, right after i started being really involved with the church right after form 5 actually...
i tried several times to talk to someone i considered more knowledgeable that me in religious matters but always chickened out.
however with my impending fatherhood looming ever nearer, i must take a page from my aunties who have had the courage to put down their pregnancy and/or child-rearing experiences and bare it for all to read … hear goes, please bear with me as i try to string them together in a (relatively) coherent stream.
Posted by Mel Nair at 3:48 PM 0 comments
with blogger 2.0 you can now subscribe to my blog by placing the link "http://melvynmnair.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default#" in your feed reader....
Posted by Mel Nair at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Happy House Anniversary to Us... 1 YEAR!
wow it seems strange... sometimes it feels like we have been here for forever, other times it feels like we just moved in. still kinda cool though.
in other news: smell that? ... yup.. friday baby!
we have alot planned for the weekend and hopefully we'll (bridget too) get a post in too. still have a lot to do on the house, some painting and yard work but as i have been told by all the other homeowners we know... stuff like this never ends... when we moved in we decided to renovate the basement to a second livingroom/ entertainment room and that turned out great. next summer we may even remove the existing deck and replace it with a larger one if we can save enough for it. everything costs so much man... even painting can be costly (aside from the new room downstairs we have only 2 bedrooms painted... the other one, well, we are in the midst of getting it done...)
so till then... have a great weekend!
~out for now
Posted by Mel Nair at 10:37 AM 0 comments
the primary server at the office crashed sometime last sunday night... as you can imagine, life for me has been hell. got most of the services and roles transfer to the newer, secondary... so starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Bridget's sister had her baby last friday; a beautiful baby girl. big congrats to them...
lost the desire to post the past few months... sorry.
Posted by Mel Nair at 3:58 PM 0 comments
so apparently the us$148 million was an estimated box office take. sony has updated the numbers...
once again: $151,000,000.00
in 3 days.
can anyone even qunatify what this amount of money even is?
Posted by Mel Nair at 3:20 PM 0 comments
us$148 million dollars. that’s ‘148’ followed by six zeros. in three days.
in case you are wondering, that’s how much the third spider-man movie made in its opening weekend. this is, as you may guess, a record, which in the long run in great because I like the franchise and this type of reception (i.e. the profitable kind) greatly increases the probability that there will be a forth or even fifth installment.
honestly though, i have to say that i liked the first two movies better. my initial complaint is that there seems to be too much going on in the movie for any one of the different plot devices to be truly played out. by my count there were 3 separate villains and thus 4 separate plot devices (3 bad-guy plots and spidey’s personal life plot) to blaze through in a relatively short amount of time.
now i still recommend that all the spidey fans get out and see it... if for nothing else as to see venom on the big screen. oh... and about that... i really have not been impressed by cgi in the past few years. jurassic park’s t-rex, blew me away, but lately it seems that the technology has become so prevalent that it just seems to blend in (exhibit a: the last 3 starwars movies) and to me... that’s kinda, well... meh. this movie however has some stellar effects, not just venoms webbing and symbiotic suites movements but also how every grain of sand on the sandman’s body behaves appropriately... just awesome.
so there you have it, on geeky chindians review of what is arguably the most successful comic book movie to date. take that as you see fit.
in other news, i am apparently an omnivore.
Posted by Mel Nair at 10:08 AM 0 comments
so lately i have been listening to this band called The Hush Sounds a lot. i really like their stuff, both lyrically and in terms of their musical talent. for a bunch or really young kids they seem to shown not only a great amount of musical talent but also a great deal of lyrical maturity whilst still remaining playfully youthful.
so color me impressed. i highly recommend you give their album “so sudden” a listen. i like the songs “the artist” and “echo” particularly much. their second album “like vines” doesn’t disappoint either.
here is a vid of the song “the artist”:
anyway, here’s hoping you have a great Easter.
out .
Posted by Mel Nair at 11:09 PM 0 comments
awesome U2 video, pretty great song too...
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:29 AM 0 comments
things have been a little stressful at the job lately and i have been a jerk an making excuses about why i have not posted lately. so here are the updates:
my dad had open heart surgery: triple bypass and a heart valve replacement. the surgery, i am told, was grueling but extremely successful. he was sent home after a little over a week and is apparently doing fine. those of you who know my mother will understand that, while i was genuinely concerned about the welfare of my father, it was her health that i was really worried about. my father, as my brother so eloquently put, is as hard as nails. my mother on the other hand, well... let’s just say tofu would be an over statement when thinking of her fortitude... or maybe i’m wrong... i mean she did survive cancer and all so maybe i am mistaken. still all seems to be kosher in the old homestead right now so there.
i had a prior post all planned (the contents of which are mostly described below) when i found out about his condition and thus failed to post: so here’s the skinny...
through a series of completely random events, i have now become the owner of a Microsoft Zune; bg’s mythical ‘i-pod killer’ and i must say that, whilst i do, as always have some gripes, i am very happy with this nice little media player. there are some definitely well-thought out features that i have become quite attached to as well as something’s that really get my goat. am not gonna waste time with a review here as there are ample on the net. although i admit that most of them being skewed towards the negative puzzles me a little, i guess, i know the MS haters and Apple fanboys are gonna diss the player so i am not that surprised. i like it though, the sound quality is great, the larger screen quality is very impressive, the customization is excellent and the software is simple enough to use. the wifi is a nice feature but i think that it is being stifled by MS themselves. where’s my wireless syncing? my wireless streaming? my wireless downloading? i mean come on... we know the hardware is there to accomplish these tasks (802.11x compliant)... so what happened? sacrificed to the gods of DRM? i don’t know. maybe EMI announcing that they are allowing itunes users to purchase DRM-free content (at a small preimum) and MS stating that they are working with vendors to remove some more from their marketplace, maybe i'll see these features yet.
still a pretty sweet player.
also, Vincent is a short film by tim burton, his first, i believe. anyway it is being re-released together with The Nightmare Before Christmas in stereoscopic 3d in october. i really like this film so here it is:
Posted by Mel Nair at 4:00 PM 0 comments
to say that digital media piracy has really come into itself in the last few years, to me, would be as understated as calling Noah's flood a "light drizzle"
as hollywood tries in vain to save us from the evils of the like of those at The Pirate Bay, it is invariably spelling its own destruction.
this is a topic that is quite close to my heart so i was thrilled when i read this article in Vanity Fair that a friend fowarded to me.
it is a slightly long read, but definately worth it.
Posted by Mel Nair at 11:48 AM 0 comments
by lifehouse:
first time i heard this... not bad.
Posted by Mel Nair at 10:09 PM 0 comments
i just installed windows vista.
it is pretty awesome. lots o cool interface crap and all. took a while to get it to run the way i like though. but it is doing great now.
love Aero. in case you haven't seen it you gotta check this shit out.
most of you know the situation Bridget and i are in now. those of you whom i haven't told in person have alluded to the knowledge of it anyway. so i'll leave it at that for now.
should be an interesting few weeks ahead.
oh, by the way check out the band "the hush sound" and their album "like vines"
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:57 PM 0 comments
saying that the weather has been alittle harsh lately would probably qualify as the understatement of the season.
saying that the weather has been alittle harsh lately in anywhere Erie or the surrounding 'snow belt' areas would probably get you stabbed.
we have around 3 feet of (permafrost) snow on the ground. last night we got about a foot. i was up to shovel my driveway this morning at around 4:45 a.m.
i didn't even get into work until around 8:45 and just the drive in should qualify me for some hazard pay.
out for now...
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:50 AM 0 comments
a bunch of stuff has gone down since i last posted here.
my dad had a double heart attack. he's out of the red for now but it is more than likely that he'll have to have a bypass.
also another event has come to light but i am not at liberty to discuss it just yet.
i know i promised updates. i'll try real hard to make it up.
out for now
Posted by Mel Nair at 8:40 AM 1 comments