this last weekend was edinboro's homecoming ... and in spite of the annual drunken stupor, amidst the hedonism that was abound... bridget and i decided that we'd have a nice, quiet weekend
... and we did, so much so that we were even the recipients of a pleasant surprise... some old friends from ol'centennial hall dropped in to visit their old alma mater and were nice enough to pay us a visit.
but that was sunday... saturday we avoided the town , with dyed-in-the-wool tenacity, as much as humanly possible... bridget actually, got to go up to the outlets have some time with her mom, i was in erie helping prepare for what promises to be one (of two that we will be attending) kick ass halloween party .... but that is another story for another post... back to our guests...
it really was nice to see missy, mervi and cecil again. man ... so much has changed since we were all college students.... that was some fun times and i would be lying if i said that i didn't miss that life. martini's in mark's room, red deaths' and wop-me-downs at the boro, watching a legally blind ken kick frat-boy ass at pool in the keg..., breakfast philosophy with keiser in the caf, making everclear punch and watching 'black-sxploitation' movies with rummer... killer uno and risk tournaments in the lounge.... and of course there was the simpsons... every night man... just like, no, it was religion.
and so much more.
lest we get distracted, let me reiterate: i miss that life, truly i do, but given the chance to relive it i would invariable, but politely decline. i love my life and where i am; being all too aware that i am (to steal a quote from a soon to be released game) On the Rain-Slick Precipice of ... Adulthood.
anyway, in passing miss had made mention of this little post of mine from last fall and too of her enraged reply... truth be told i do remember reading it and had good intent to comment on it. alas this too was swept along the wayside in my usual languor, and while i have been quoted as saying that is not better late than never, i believe that is does deserve, at the very least a redaction or even an addendum ... of sorts:
there are those friends, friendships that get, for lack of a better word, adjourn. those relationships that, due to inescapable circumstances get put to stasis. theses relationships are still special though, because just like a maple in spring that buds all over to the point that you almost forget it was bare just a few months ago, these friendships seem to pick up almost exactly where you left off, almost like there was not divide between then and now. almost...
i neglected to mention these friendships in my aforelinked rant and for that i apologies. whether it changes the message or the core emotion i was trying to get across with my harangues.... well i'll leave that to you.
i have rambled on enough for today.